Friday, February 29, 2008

Preparing For the Summer - Fat Buring Tips

As spring rolls around the corner, the mass population is beginning to prepare for the summer. How so, you say...through that world's most evilest four letter word--DIET. What the average person does not realize is that in order to lose weight, you need to burn fat calories with leaner muscles instead of just dieting and just short intense exercise sessions. What actually happens during these sessions is that the body builds strength and burns calories, but not fat (what's actually needed to lose weight). During short exercise session the body just stores the fat as a way of surviving, thinking that the body is starving and needs to conserve energy for later.

So if you want to look good in that swim suit, jeans or is just seeking a way to be healthy--start burning those fat calories. I found this article titled "Your Body Can Burn Fat on Its Own," by Debbie Rocker very helpful in my preparation for the summer. Check it out at

Let me know how it works for you.

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