Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Meditating With Priya

Last week during my Money and Meaning of Life class with Professor Kate McKeown, we had a very unconventional speaker that fits the description for an unconventional class. Guest speaker Priya as we all know her as, is a woman beyond her years. She as acquired much experience and knowledge that can surpass any yeomen or guru. Madame Priya as I have begun to call her, is in my opinion the best thing that I have ever come across.

A brief background of Madame Priya...she started out as a journalist, then sought to surpass her male competitors by becoming a photographer in just two days through the help of a good colleagues. Madame Priya, with her lovely British accent had the opportunity to follow the Beetles around when they toured in the United States. Just when you think think women has done it all she slaps you with the fact that she had direct dealing with the lead singer John. Much to my amazement, Madame Priya is by far one of the most outspoken individuals that I have had the esteem to meet. Never in a million years would I have guess the thing that Madame Priya told us in class last Wednesday.

Personally, I feel that Pryia was a little eccentric for my taste but, in more ways than one the eccentricities game together as real life advices that most of us just brush off normally. I think the hardest thing that I had difficulty accepting is that we should not idolize our parent. Madame Priya felt that no one in general should be idolized. If your parent wanted to have you then it was their problem and that you should not feel guilty and idolize them for doing so. Typically, in a Guyanese household, the children are made to feel guilty for any and everything that they do. They are always made to think that their parents are like Gods and Goddesses and should be honored accordingly. Madame Priya would say that this is a bunch of horseshit (for a lack of a better word). Parent brought you into this world because they wanted to do so. It is for this reason that they should not use guilt to make the child surrender to the will of the parent.

Madame Pryia goes on to talk about several other issues, such as...

  1. The world today is caught up in idolizing each other. Priya wants people (us) to begin thinking and using our own minds in order to get things done. Do not rely on the will of other, when your will is stronger than most people that we idolize.

  2. What we need to do is stop idolizing each other and begin looking at ourselves, as well as the world that we live in. There is so much going on around us both mentally and physically that needs to be acknowledge than just mere people.

  3. No one person is better than the other. For this reason we should not categorize people by class, race, color, religion, etc. Life is life and we all need to begin to see that no one person, race, religion, etc can surpass another in this life.

  4. Do onto other as you would have them do onto you. This statement is simple, the way you want to be treated is the same way that you treat others around you.

  5. Ambition is what kills the heart. When this happens the person is no longer enjoying whatever it is they are doing. In order to avoid this I think respect (a closer examination of one self) needs to be accomplished.

  6. Life is the only force in the universe, according to Madame Priya. When we are one with the universe we are at one with the soul. For a Hindu like me, reincarnation is a big thing. This means the when my body is no longer functional, I will be free from all the responsibilities of the world. Madame Priya, talked about being free from all obligation. For me freedom will come when I can separate my self from my shell (this body) and from this life (the world). Only then can I obtained freedom. The world we live in is full of negatives and the mind is constantly soaking up these negativity. So how do we rid ourselves of these negativity when the world is a major influence. We don't. Learning to separate the soul from the body and mind is key. When we have amount to this level only then can we sever this connection between body, mind, and soul.

  7. Finally the last thing that Madame Priya cover that I think applies to everyone in some way or another is the act of being courageous and taking risks, in order to live life without the obligations that are imposed on us.

Life is a strange thing, what we make of it is up to us. We can lead a life of pain and suffering or we can alter it according to Karma. The decision is up to you. Make the good choices and lead the life of a 'free person' or make the wrong decisions and you may find your life in a hole...whatever it may be make a choice. Mistakes happens. It's only human to make but, its also the actions that you take to correct them that makes a bigger difference. So live, love, and take risks. The biggest risk is one that you will never regret.

With that said let me know what you think.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The West Wing (Museum of Natural History) - Islam

This visit of mine was one of the most rewarding experience I have had going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. During this visit, I was given a chance to explore the West Wing of the museum. In this wing, against the wall the viewers can see artifacts across the ages of Islamic history. From regular house potteries to coronation sword, you can see it all. The tour guide for this forum was Professor Steven Wolfe. Professor Wolfe took on a journey through the age of Islam and began explaining how the Muslim religion has influenced other cultures. Professor Wolfe began by showing us some common pieces, like house pottery and idols.
Next, as we moved through the wing looking at different pieces, I notice a payer carpet that Professor Wolfe (Art Department at Fordham University) did not talk about, but rather just passed by on the way. On the carpet it-self I noticed intricate designs in the form of mosque, a prayer bowl hanging in the middle of a archway of the mosque, stars, and a moon (a common symbolism of the Islam and the Muslim culture). The following piece that were given a great deal of attention was common Chinese pottery with design similar to Islamic designs. In regards to the Chinese pottery, Professor Wolfe spoke a great deal about the influences Islam has had on the rest of the world. He began by explaining how these influences started and then moved towards why it was significant.
According to Professor Wolfe, Islam’s main success and the true reason why it survived so long is due to its way of begin able to adapt. These art pieces survived because of their influences not because its people kept them from being destroyed. During the tour, I did not realize why Professor Wolfe stressed these influences but know that I have heard them and can consider then a little more clearly, now I know why they are important to Islam and us.
For the duration of this visit, the only items that I found interesting in regards to Islamic art were a selective few pieces. For instance, my favorite of all the items was a jewel encrusted coronation sword, which holds numerous emerald and diamonds on it. The blade itself is hand crafted and the handle itself is of Islamic/Indian design with jewels on almost every inch of it. I found this piece most significant because it not only reminded me of my Indian art but also who similar this sword looks to that of a Raja’s sword (Indian word for King). Another item that I found wired but also very intriguing was a begging bowl (Kashkul). Professor Wolfe did not mention much about this item but I still find the mysteries that it holds most fascinating. During my own research, I found out that numerous Sufi holy men and the poor individuals used the Kashkul as a way of asking or begging for alms of food and daily bread. The bowl is in the shape of a double coconut (coco-de-mer) and bears the signature of the maker on it. It strictly serves the purpose of its name, a bowl to ask for alms. The final item that caught my eye at the conclusion of the forum was selective pages from the Quran. Aside from these printed pages of Islamic writings, there is no actual book like that of Christianity that houses Allah’s message. I found it very interesting that pages of a holy book would be considered art rather than an important book.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How to Make Meaning In the World?

What I liked most about The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki is by far the valuable lesson that Guy teach young entrepreneurs like myself. I think by alleviating what every entrepreneur feel (the fear of failure) not only makes this book valuable tool but, one that every entrepreneur should utilize. What I liked the most is the concept of GIST (Great Ideas For Starting Things). GIST are tools that most people do not know about and as a result are bound to failure. Ignorance is by far man’s greatest downfall. What we do know now has the potential to hurt us later on down the road. I think for me this is what makes me different from other entrepreneurs in the events planning industry.
Do not get me wrong—there are people within my industry that has made it. However, in my opinion it was just sheer dumb luck. I think in order to make meaning in the world, one has to fist make a meaning for themselves. In blatant terms, if you do not know what you want to do in life how do you expect to make the world better. The average person goes about life thinking that they can better the world by doing fifty different thing, but most do not realize the state of their own lives. They forsake one thing to better the world never realizing that they are adding to the problem not helping to extinguish it.
In terms of making meaning for one’s self, I think my meaning comes from a variety of things. Firstly, I think I draw my inspiration from my passion for life and family. I love to dream and make other’s dreams come true. This is why I choose events planning (specializing in weddings). Weddings in today’s society are taken for granted in more ways than one. Most weddings are view in terms of its splendor rather than the meanings that are associated with it. I think this how I intend to make the world better--by instilled the original values along with the splendor that is associated with today’s weddings and other events carrying special meanings.
I grew up with very specific values of what marriages is all about. Growing up in a Guyanese-Indian household, I was taught that marriage is very sacred and that it was unbreakable because every pair was made in heaven. (I guess you can call me a hopeless romantic.) Anyways, as I grew up I kept believing this and I think in some part of my mind this is still in play. How will I make the world better—I intend to combine my personality strengths (achiever, relator, focus, woo, and input) [1] along with the values that marriage contains to enhance whatever events I plan. I feel when couples who are tying the knot, it should be for all the right reasons. For this reason, I want to combine my services with the values of marriage to make my client’s weddings and events something that they dream about and not what they just settle for last minute. By keeping this or a similar ideology and customer value this is how business men and women are going to make the world better for us all—and like Guys states, “preventing the end of something good.”

[1] These personality strengths were the result of reading: Buckingham M. and Clifton D. O., Now, Discover Your Strengths. After finishing the book I used the code provided by the distributor to do the Strength Finder’s Test.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Meaning of LIfe--An Entreprenuer's Interpratation

As I sit on the train and contemplate the meaning of life on my way home from work, there is so much going through my minds. Life has so many mysterious meanings both good and bad. Everyone’s perception of the meaning of life is different according to his or her lifestyle(s) and individual personalities. For me though, I cannot put a definite answer to the meaning of life. I do think life is about being fortunate enough to give back what God as given you. Life is about chances and opportunities. However, it is what the individual does with those chances and opportunities that really makes the difference in this world.
Sure, life takes us down its bumpy roads and beat us until we can't bear its hardship anymore, but the only thing a person can do is dust himself off and continue down the same road life has shown us. My life for example endured a lot of bumps, yet I am still traveling down life’s roads and making the best of what I have. Someone I know always says, life is like a river that carries many streams, sometimes it may comes at you light, medium, and or even hard. However, whether you sink or swim it all depends on your choices. Life gives us path along its road and the individual build his or her destiny by taking careful steps and enduring whatever comes your way. No matter what the individual makes of his or her life, it all depends on that person. In other words, what you bring to the table is what you get—or what influences your life. When you bring positive attitude, self-confidence and determination then there is no way that you can fail. However, when you bring only negativity, uncertainty, and dishonesty then you are most likely setting yourself up for failure.
In terms of materialism, life is based on the ideology that it does not matter how much you have or what you have. It is simply based on the actions of the individual(s) involved. Good actions equal a good life and bad actions result in a bad life. Being able to give someone something without seeking anything in return is a prime example in this case. Many people feel that the more you have the richer you are—generally this is not the case. A person may have a lot of money and wealth but they may be the most miserable person in the world. In terms of life, what is money when you have no happiness?
On a personal note, I think the meaning of my life is about using the resources that friends and loved ones has given you to become successful in this world. I feel that they have given you a ‘chance’ to be someone. Hence, when I become someone of status, then I too will give an opportunity to someone else. Life in my opinion is about shaping your destiny and whatever decision you take to attain that destiny is influenced by your environment, your loved ones, you religion, and everything else that matters to you.

With that note, what do you think is the meaning of life?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March For Babies

The March of Dimes has changed the name of its biggest event to March for Babies. It's a great change because it makes it very clear exactly who I am walking for -- all babies. I am very excited to be a part of the “first” March for Babies; please support my participation.Although the name of this signature event changed, the mission did not. The March of Dimes champions the needs of moms and babies in our community and across the nation. The money we raise for March for Babies will support lifesaving research, services, education and advocacy that help babies get a healthy start.Please help by donating today! The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

On April 27, 2008 at 9:30 AM, a newly organized family (including close friends, loved-one and collegues) will join Diane's Crew on 62nd Street to walk for a cause unlike any other. This is going to be my second year walking with Diane's Crew but, it feels like I have been doing this for years. The reason why I started doing this event is because I felt it is my duty to give any innocent child a fighting chance. Babie are the most helpess thing in this world and if we cannot fight for them, who will?

Diane Persaud, a good friend of mine persuaded me in walking the first year and ever since that first walk I think I will continue doing this for as long as I possibly can. Each year my goal is to raise money as well as recruit one more individual to our team. This year my personal goal for our team is to raise about $200 dollars. I am really excited to do this year's walk and I hope that you will help out by being a volunteer at the event, joining Diane's Crew, and or even making a donation on my page. Thanks you for consideration. This means everything to the millions of babies around the world. Hope to see you at March For Babies.

Team: Diane's CrewEvent
Location: Lincoln Center, 62nd Street & Columbus Avenue, New York
Date: 4/27/2008
Time: 9:30 AM